Over the weekend, in addition to lots of work for the real job, we managed to squeeze in a little work on the bathroom. Sarah needed some demolition time, so she tore out the remaining plastic tile from the old tub surround. You remember what THAT looked like...
Umm, yeah. So that's gone. So we capped off the plumbing too, and then took down the divider wall between the tub and sink - well, only partway down, because there will be a short wall there in the future. And of course there was a 2x4 there, that was doing absolutely nothing, and that was attached to the non-structural wall by about 200 NEVERENDING NAILS. Another installment of the nail-happy previous owner.
So that's gone too now. And we finally have a view of what the final bathroom will look like. It's even more spacious than we imagined - you can see the windows right when you walk in the door, and we're ready to get going on all the final installations.

So maybe that picture doesn't look so great to you, but to us it means we are almost done. Things should really start shaping up now.