The bookshelf is newer - we bought it from a woman down the street who was moving. She said a friend's dad in Minnesota was a furniture maker, and he had made it for her. She couldn't take it wherever she was going, so we got it for a steal. It's solid oak, and giant! It's about 6' long! Luckily she lived REALLY close by, because we had to put it on the roof of the little Subaru & drive real slow.
Did we ever tell you about this desk? Craigslist find. We don't have as good luck as Jason the Craigslist Jedi Master - but this one worked out. It was 2 hours south of here, but we had to be there anyways for an appointment, so it worked out. It's a partners-type desk - one drawer on each side opens and they each have a lid and an inkwell hole. It's not the greatest design or construction (the legs aren't done in a way Stickley would have done it), but I love it anyways. And - we didn't have to strip any paint!This weekend, we'll be mostly taking it easy (finally). Maybe I'll strip the window header. Maybe not.
And in an hour or so, a wallpaper guy is coming to see if it's at all affordable for us to - gasp - hire someone else to hang our Bradbury & Bradbury border in the study. More on that soon...
That desk - those windows - that bookshelf - I'd just like to settle in and write a half-dozen journal articles. That room would get me tenure is what I'm saying.
Ack - my OpenID experiment was a failure. I wish I Blogger would let me post with (1) an avatar, and (2) a link to my Wordpress blog.
The appraisal is the biggest thing keeping me from refinancing! I just don't want to FINISH all the half done projects. :)
I am coveting that rug. Did you get it somewhere accessible, like from the net?
Karen Anne - ebay, baby. It was not particularly expensive - it's not super-nice, but it's 100% wool & the colors were perfect. Look for sellers with free shipping.
I love that desk!!! The study looks great. I really like the book shelf too. Good luck with the refi!!! I'll keep my fingers crossed for you guys...
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