See the giant coathanger, top left? It came from the drycleaner, from a wool blanket or something. We've been saving it in case we need to do some industrial-strength poking - it's super-strong wire. You just hang onto something that awesome.
Sunday, March 29, 2009
Lights - what a pleasant surprise!
See the giant coathanger, top left? It came from the drycleaner, from a wool blanket or something. We've been saving it in case we need to do some industrial-strength poking - it's super-strong wire. You just hang onto something that awesome.
Wednesday, March 25, 2009
Found in home renovation...
Hilarious 1977 JC Penney Catalog
And we only found vintage porn mags in our house renovation! And crucifixes. What a combo.
Sunday, March 22, 2009
Yes we can!
Friday, March 20, 2009
OK, breathe.
The bookshelf is newer - we bought it from a woman down the street who was moving. She said a friend's dad in Minnesota was a furniture maker, and he had made it for her. She couldn't take it wherever she was going, so we got it for a steal. It's solid oak, and giant! It's about 6' long! Luckily she lived REALLY close by, because we had to put it on the roof of the little Subaru & drive real slow.
Did we ever tell you about this desk? Craigslist find. We don't have as good luck as Jason the Craigslist Jedi Master - but this one worked out. It was 2 hours south of here, but we had to be there anyways for an appointment, so it worked out. It's a partners-type desk - one drawer on each side opens and they each have a lid and an inkwell hole. It's not the greatest design or construction (the legs aren't done in a way Stickley would have done it), but I love it anyways. And - we didn't have to strip any paint!
This weekend, we'll be mostly taking it easy (finally). Maybe I'll strip the window header. Maybe not.
And in an hour or so, a wallpaper guy is coming to see if it's at all affordable for us to - gasp - hire someone else to hang our Bradbury & Bradbury border in the study. More on that soon...
Tuesday, March 17, 2009
Race to the (almost) finish
To that end, we've been keeping up breakneck pace on the study project. Ken was quite a motivator at the start, and now it's my turn (for example, "let's just do one more thing tonight, then we can take a break" or "I'll just get up 10 minutes early and put that last coat of stain on that piece of trim".)
Friday, March 13, 2009
and now is the time on Sprockets when we dance
Thursday, March 12, 2009
Praise the lord & pass the peel-away
Here's the crappiest corner, before and after, so far:
Saturday, March 7, 2009
Squadra di pulizia
Anyways, we've been the squdra di pulizia all day (and yesterday too, and Thursday). On Thursday I pulled a gazillion little staples out of the ceiling strapping in the study. And de-nailed everything (there were lots, due to the paneling). We got a couple new prybars at our local contractor supply store - the Super Wonderbar and the 2 stainless steel ones, which are SHARP and great for slicing and pulling trim.