Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Picture this

We've been finishing up the trim (headers, mouldings, picture rail) for the study, and we've now got it all installed. The picture rail was an opportunistic addition to the room - we got it from friends J&R who put some in their house - but received much more than they ordered. So they sold it to us for a song. We've still got some left - so maybe we'll re-re-sell it. As Jason says, it really makes the wallpaper border work (I'm paraphrasing; I'm too pressed for time to dig around & find that comment!)

One end of the room, pre-picture rail:

And post picture-rail:
And the other end, picture rail in concert with other trim:

I had another photo of that whole end of the room, but the window looked FILTHY! Time from spring cleaning - ick. Wait - forget it - we still have to strip & reglaze those windows. We can put off cleaning again!

And, I managed to install it all: a) only hitting my thumb with the hammer once, and b) not messing up my mani-pedi from the spa weekend that just occurred. Yay!


Jennifer said...

The picture rail is awesome! It makes the whole room so much more polished! Great job on it.

Amalie said...

I think maybe trim/finish carpenters are my heros! I had no idea how important the trim and its details (the caulking, the puttying, etc.) are to how finished a room looks. Your picture rail looks great!!

Karen Anne said...

Wow, the picture rail is super!

Gwen said...

Nice job! I know all about dirty windows and Spring cleaning. Warm weather ahead means no excuses. Ugh!

Jen said...

Hey... I haven't cleaned my windows because of that.

I mean really WHY?

Your room looks great.

What was your source for the ceiling?

sarah said...

Jenni - we got the ceiling on ebay - someone had salvaged it from an old department store. It was a bit of a mess, but we cleaned, repainted, and it looks pretty authentic! Price was right, too.

Sarah said...

Great job on the railing!

Susie said...

This looks fabulous together. You two rock. Seriously.

Jason said...

That looks superb - the lower trim really does seal the deal for me!