Monday, May 18, 2009

Spring fever

We're gearing up for bigger summer projects, but for now, we've been catching up on sleep, catching up with the family, and hanging out with Eddy (who's hanging in there despite some chronic issues).

Luckily, he's a great lawnmower.

Otherwise, just a bunch of weeding and mulching to report. We did get a delivery of quikrete today (paid the extra buck to have it delivered by the local guys rather than wrecking our new alignment & making several big box trips) - so we'll be starting on the fence SOON. This week? The landscaping books are strewn all over the dining room table, so something's definitely happening soon...


Karen Anne said...

Eddy sure is beautiful.

Andrea said...

I just stumbled across your blog and had a great time looking at all of your before & after shots.
We are down here in NH and are just starting in on reno/preservation of a 1920's bungalow/sears home. Last owners lived there for 50 years and did maintenance only. Needs lots of updates. Thanks for all your ideas and knowledge shared here. A~