We looked at these fancy dealies - but they were out of our price range.
So I took a stroll to the antique store, armed with possible measurements, looking for any large vessel I could make into a cat enclosure.
Bingo - found this little treasure, and I got an extra discount, so it cost all of $12.50.

I didn't know what it was till I read the label & opened the top...
Can you imagine? Solid oak coolers? Or cooler-covers? Damn, this thing was cool (pun not intended). And exactly the right size, if I flipped it upside down...
So, this week we finally cut the little door, sanded it, and gave it a couple of coats (inside & out) of stain-urethane.
Very cool and clever.
Very cool!
We understand about keeping the box seperate. We have the cat's box in the laundry room, and after coming home several times to the litter box strewen across the house--we've come up with an elaborate system to keep the door cracked to the laundry room for the cat, while keeping out the dogs. So far? Maya's managed to almost rip out the shelf the system is secured to, and managed to lock herself in the laundry room. Meanwhile the cat didn't appreciate it and used the kitchen sink as his facilities.
Very nice!
My in-laws had a golden retriever that loved "kitty crunchies". *shudder*
With the Stella in the house no cat box is safe. I won't mention where the box is currently.
We are putting a cabinet in the office just for the cat box. The things we do for a fur balls.
Great idea! There used to be a show on HGTV called Small Space, Big Style. In one of the episodes a woman living in 400 square feet in NYC, built and slipcovered an ottman and put the cat box underneath it.
Wait - who goes to a thrift store hoping to find something and then finds exactly what they need?! Clearly, your cats have superpowers. Why they don't just use those superpowers to use the toilet is something you should discuss with them.
The fellow at http://1402division.wordpress.com is always finding amazing stuff for a pittance, usually on craigslist. I must live in the wrong area of the country.
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