Sunday, August 9, 2009

Fencing, part two

Don't say it too loudly, but the weather has been fine lately. Our fencepost holes dried out (well, enough) for us to pour concrete on Thursday, then we started making and assembling our back corner fence. There will be four sections total - here are two of them.

The other two will be on the left side, in an L. This is the back corner of our yard, where the dead hedge grew (and where trash blew in through said dead hedge from the main road out that way).

The corner post looks odd now, but it should look good once we put a copper roof on it. It is pressure treated (everything else is cedar) because we wanted to sink it, so to make it look cedariffic, we clad it with leftover shakes. Kind of an architectural-type flavor to it.

A couple of more sunny days and we'll be done. If we can stand the cedar splinters in the eyes, that is! Even with saftey goggles on, they somehow always manage to get in there. Nasty!


Anonymous said...

My apologies if I missed the explanation, but why are you doing a short segment of fence in the back corner but not extending it around your yard? (Presumably it could link up to your side yard fence.)

sarah said...

Good question. There is a giant (6') hedge that runs along the entire side boundary of the yard. It would be a great fence if the back section weren't dead. So, we're just trying to cover that section and block a bit of the house behind us. There's already a back fence, but it's small and unattractive. So ours is more of a feature than a boundary.

sarah said...

I should also mention that it would be too costly for us to fence the whole yard! Because we had second-quality lumber and built everything from scratch, we only had to spend a couple hundred on the sections of fence we did do - and that's about all the budget we had for this.