Tuesday, July 20, 2010

Outdoor grocery store

This time of year is so great - everything just really started to produce in the garden. Snap peas are just ending; zucchini, cauliflower, and my lovely French filet beans are kicking in. Lettuce is going strong; herbs threaten to take over the entire back yard. Peppers are starting, and we're on our third cuke. No need to go indoors to shop any more...

Excuse the blurry photo at dusk - but it's sooo lush out there I had to snap a shot (and the weeds are somewhat in control).

And today, I found another person who has agreed to take zucchini. Things are good in gardenville.


QD said...

Looks fabulous!

Sarah said...

So jealous! We're in the middle of a drought and we just lost our cukes and zucchini's to blight. Also...our tomatoes are so sloooooowwww this year.

Send us some stuff to NC!

Jen said...

Lovely Garden. Way down here most of our veggies are finished. All the squash and cucumbers are done and the early tomatoes are finished.