This weekend, we worked our fingers to the bone - or, more appropriately, wore the fingers off our gloves - tidying up the garden/yard. We're not quite done, but we:
- weeded all the beds
- mowed the lawn
- changed over annual planters to mums (yuck)
- turned all the compost
- raked leaves
- watered every dang plant in the yard
- pruned & deadheaded everything
- Ken finished the grape trellis extension, then he
- finished nailing the last few fence slats, then he
- cut the large corner fence post down one level (the aesthetics weren't working), then
- I built and installed a fence cap on it (made from scrap cedar + the lid of a cast lantern I got at a yard sale for $3 - which saved my life because I was sucking at cutting double miters to make a little cupola-type thingy).
This is me on my tiptoes, trying to get a photo of the little roof.

Nerd or not, sh*t's getting done.
Did I forget anything? I'm tired again, thinking about it. So the punch list is getting shorter. Here's what it looks like now, all in priority order & by category (at great risk to myself I post this, knowing that CAB is rolling her eyes and thinking, "You nerd").