Then Saturday it mostly drizzled, so we got out the rubber boots and slogged to the garden to do some harvesting - fall is coming along quick and we didn't want to lose the last bunch of good stuff we grew. Ken picked his garlic, and it was a little weird this year - the varieties we grew didn't seem to set good heads - possibly we also missed cutting several scapes after the chaos of returning from Colorado. Anyways, we got quite a lot of cloves and since they weren't the right style for drying, he put a bunch in oil in the fridge and in the freezer. We had some on a pizza today -yum!
Also, we picked all the grapes from the new & improved arbor. Last year I had to do a probably very strange looking dance, holding the vines up, getting underneath, and picking through for all the grapes. I'm sure I looked like a psycho basically wearing vines and thrashing around. Much better this year. Because of the rain, my work got cancelled for today, so we actually had time to make the grape jelly! And didn't stain the entire kitchen. A shout out for Ben Moore's impervo oil-based paint for cabinets - even though I splashed grape juice on them, it wiped right off - even though the paint is white. Nice!
Finally, peppers - hot & sweet. We also made a batch of hot pepper jelly and then froze a whole bunch for later. We grew jalapenos & Anaheim chilis , which ought to make some rockin' chili rellenos later this winter.
Then we put up the rest of the mudroom ceiling trim and caulked in a lot of the holes/gaps - ran out of caulk so we'll be finishing that another day. Almost done, though.
Phew! Seemed like we only did a few little things, but I guess it was a lot & we're pretty tired. Good thing the next item on tonight's list is the Simpsons & Family Guy premiers - time to put the ol' feet up.